Monday 17 October 2016

Chakra Meditation for Balancing and Deep Healing

In order to understand the benefits of chakra meditation, we primarily need to look at the most important significance of the chakra centers themselves.

What Are Chakras ?

The whole body is a perfect reflection of our feeling, belief, thought, and emotion. It is the physical manifestation of our inner beliefs about who we are.

When we initially dreamed this present dream (our live) we continued on the path of arousal into the truth of who we are, at whatever point in our spiritual workshop we left off in the last dream.

The body and everything we experience here is a pictorial description of what we believe to be true about ourselves, although generally, most of this belief is in the unconscious mind.

Balancing Chakra Healing
The chakras centers are like lively motors within the emotional or physical power and energies field we usually identify as "me". Each chakras centers relate to a different area of our lives, as described below.

The health of chakra is managed by our feeling, belief and emotion about ourselves in the particular area of life that the chakra is related to.

For instance, the Root Chakra relates to our sense of connection with our fellow human beings, as well as survival issues. If a person believes they are insecure and trust is difficult, Root Chakra will tend to be pulled in and not connected in harmony with the other six chakras. This will affect the organs in the area of the Root Chakra. Know more about Balancing Chakra Meditation or Balancing Chakra Healing please visit Seven Chakra India.

Wednesday 14 September 2016

Gemstone Online

A gemstone is a piece of mineral crystal which, in cut and polished form, is used to make jewellery or other accessories. However, several stones such as lapis lazuli or natural materials that are not crystals such as amber or jet are also used for jewellery and are therefore often recognized to be gemstones as well. Most gemstones are hard, but some soft minerals are used in a jewellery because of their glow or other physical properties that have artistic value. Rarity is another characteristic that gives value to a gemstone. Apart from jewellery, from initial antique engraved gems and hard stone carving, so as bowls, were major luxury art forms. A gem maker is called a lapidary or gem cutter; a diamond worker is a diamantaire. The carvings of Carl Faberge are important works in this tradition.

gemstones online shopping
Types of Gemstone -
  • Diamond
  • Ruby
  • Sapphire
  • Emerald
  • Pearl
These five gemstones buy online and get up to 10% discount in this festival season.

Friday 9 September 2016

Guide to Use Healing Crystals Jewelry

Healing crystal is those that bring healing value to the areas of your life that bring you trouble or difficulty. These could be insignificant physical illnesses, such as headaches, through to emotional matters such as stress. Chakra healing crystals can help you to unblock your negative energies and allow positive things to flow through you repeatedly. Here are few examples of how to work with crystals and some of the best ones to work.

Seven Chakras

The chakra can be derived from the "Sanskrit" word for wheel, which explains the movements around these points. Energy does not like to stay still! There are seven chakra points, starting with the root chakra at the base root of the rays and going up to over the top of your head. The energies within these seven chakras vibrate at various speeds and it is important to ensure that this does not become blocked. If this happens, the individual will feel an imbalance and possibly a range of signs to go with it.

Healing crystals jewelry can help to unblock the chakras and heal you to a feeling of stability and calm. A full list of which crystals can be used for each chakra is beyond the scope of this blog.
  • 1st Chakra - Smokey Quartz.
  • 2nd Chakra - Tiger's Eye.
  • 3rd Chakra – Citrine.
  • 4th Chakra - Rose Quartz.
  • 5th Chakra – Sodalite.
  • 6th Chakra - Clear Quartz.
  • 7th Chakra – Amethyst.

Friday 13 May 2016

Angel Card Readings With SevenChakraIndia

Sodalite brings inner peace. Keep Sodalite in his pockets and in every room of your home, so its peaceful properties will flow around them. Sodalite is a dark blue stone with white calcite interspersed. Sometimes it confused with lapis lazuli as it also has small patches of pyrite in it. In Brazil, there is the largest deposit of Sodalite.

It is the stone of athletics, as it stimulates resistance. It is said Sodalite will harmonize the inner self or the conscious and subconscious mind. Sodalite promotes peace and harmony and for writers it is extra lucky.

Healing properties of Sodalite

It is associated with thyroid. Sodalite brings order and peace of mind. Rational thinking, objectivity, truth and intuition, along with the verbalization of feelings are encouraged. Sodalite brings emotional balance and calm the panic attacks. Self-esteem, self-acceptance and self-confidence are increased. Cools fevers, it controls blood pressure and encourages the absorption of body fluids. Sodalite can also help prevent insomnia.

Metaphysical Properties

Sodalite has been said that the longest distance you have to travel is the journey from your head to your heart. This is the gift of Sodalite. Mental confusion clears and restores inner peace. Sodalite reinforces the power of the mind over the body and serves as a bridge between your thoughts and feelings. Eliminates fear and better than any other stone guilt!

It promotes knowledge, mastery learning, awareness, communication and wisdom. It helps to get along with others and helps "groupware" especially for mediators and peacemakers. Good for cracks in the partnerships and relationships healing, and helps put an end to arguments or disagreements. Excellent stone to improve all manners.

Sodalite helps us unite the logical with the spiritual. It also helps to free ourselves from old patterns of behavior that no longer serve us. This is the wonderful stone for creative types, balancing both sides of the mind, and what matters to reach the emotional expression of their ideas into physical forms. For people who frequently use their heads to make final decisions of life, and have problem getting in touch with what they really feel. Yes, it is supposed to be happy. For more information: - rose quartz angels.

Friday 6 May 2016

Lighten Up With Crystal Massage Wands

For smooth and deeply relaxing massage, Crystal Wands are a great way to provide peace of mind, body and spirit. Crystal Massage Wands can be used to transmit heat and energy, while releasing muscle tension. Massage is also a great way to eliminate congestion, waste and toxins from the body. There are many types of massage wands glass, available in many colors, each with its own attributes.

Red Goldstone Crystal Massage Wands
This bright and cheerful hand Red Goldstone crystal wand has been very well done, selected for its intense color and high copper content. The Goldstone Crystal Wands red massage helps relax and relieve muscle pain. Traditionally it is believed to relieve pain; copper has fine copper particles that give the lovely sheen. Goldstone Red is associated with wealth and abundant blessings; be a great gift for people too.

 Snowflake Obsidian Crystal Massage Wands

Maximizing the benefits of a crystal massage wand with this snowflake obsidian crystal massage wands. The Snow Snowflake Obsidian is thought to be very good for the skin and veins and is ideal for improving circulation. Simply apply snowflake obsidian directly on the skin and can reap the benefits. Obsidian is a deep glossy black; Snowflake Obsidian however, has gray marks appear delicate snowflakes.

 Calcite Crystal Massage Wands

As calcite, this massage wand crystal has been polished with great care, which gives the natural texture and beauty of the calcite crystal massage wands. Calcite is thought to be large to accelerate development, both physically and spiritually. To know more about massage wands visit here: - crystal wands for healing.

Saturday 23 April 2016

Lord Ganesha Trunk Direction – Know About It’s Importance

God Lord Ganesha is one of the most popular Hindu gods. He almost all worship in India and his blessing before starting any auspicious work be taken. God Lord Ganesha is also known to eliminate obstacles from life. Ganesha also gives material prosperity and wisdom, and his followers. Many believers keep the Lord Ganesha statue at home. If you intend to buyers Ganesha statue, and pay special attention to the main trunk Ganesha direction.

Elephant Head ancestral trunk may be on the left, right or in the middle. We just need to see what the starting point of the main Ganesha statue torso needs rather than curved end portion of the curve.

Significance of Lord Ganesha trunk direction

The Left Trunked Lord Ganesha- For households, it is strongly recommended that the left -sided Ganesha statue at home. Left -sided statue of Ganesha is considered to be representative of Ida Nadi which is relatively cold end, it can also be with the moon. It is more feminine, cooling, nourishing and relaxing energy. It is also believed that for families, Ganesha statue should take the position that God stay in your home.

The Right Trunked Lord Ganesha This is usually the case in the Ganesha temple statues. Because you need a right-sided trunk of a daily ritual to worship the statue of Ganesha. Any errors in the ceremony can bring the wrath of God. Like the right side of the trunk and headed god statue is called Siddhi Vinayaka because if correct worship, then it can give quick results or supernatural powers. If you happen to visit Mumbai then please visit the famous Siddhi Vinayaka Temple. It Learn to meet the aspirations of those who with sincere prayer and a strong dedication to the people.

Right chest like a statue of Ganesha is considered to represent you Pingala Nadi and this is related to the sun's energy. This is a male and has a fiery nature, but can give immediate results.

Straight Forward Trunk Of The Lord Ganesha It represents the pulse Nadi is completely open. Such idols are very rare and special. More specifically, where the trunk upright trunk waving in the air. This means kundalini Shakti has permanently reached Sahasrara. Also, remember, God Ganesha is sattvic. So to avoid the non-food and vegetables at home. Let’s go for ganesha statue online shopping.